Ratchet & Clank: Up Your Arsenal Hints & Cheats

Cheat Effect
At the main online menu highlight "Stats" and press Up, Down, Left, Right, Square Unlock Squat Stats
Pause Codes

Pause the game and enter the following:
Cheat Effect
Circle, Square, Circle, Square, Up, Down, Left, Left Double Bladed Laser Sword
Qwark in a tu tu

During any qwark vidcomic, enter the following:
Cheat Effect
Up, Up, Down, Down, Left, Right, Circle, Square, Square Qwark in a tu tu
Japan-only Skin

Enter the following at the pause menu to unock Santa Ratchet. This only works for the Japanese version.
Cheat Effect
Up, Down, Up, Down, Square, Square, Square Unlonk Santa Ratchet skin

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