Starcraft 2 cheats
Result | Cheat Code |
God mode | terribleterribledamage |
5 million credits in single player campaign | whysoserious |
5,000 gas | realmendrilldeep |
5,000 minerals | stroaksmolts |
5,000 minerals and gas | smoldersbolds |
+1 weapon, armor, and shield upgrade | iamironman |
Extra research points | wapboinkers |
Fast build | basestarsprimative or reversingnazaire |
Fast heal | fsbcomunicacion |
Units do not cost resources | moredotsmoredots |
Disable fog of war | sawnoutofmemory |
Disable ability cooldown | hanshotfirst |
Disable food and psi requirement | mintmansoperator |
Disable tech requirements | sosayweall |
Disable time of day | qrotero |
Disable defeat conditions | ypoonsvoicemail or nevergiveupneversurrender |
Disable victory conditions | tyuhasleftthegame |
Win current game | cmethodfeedback |
Lose current game | cadeasygoin |
Unknown resources granted | jaynestown |
Unknown resources granted | dzmhairspring |
Mission graph dialog selectable | lyingpect |
Cinematics menu | eyeofsauron |
UNN broadcast menu | furabranchery |
Play the "Terran Up The Night" song | overengineeredcodpiece |
-Some codes from: Randy
Starcraft 2 cheats
Starcraft 2 cheats
Result | Cheat Code |
Add indicated points to score | -score [number] |
Extra life | -addlife |
Ten extra lives | -life |
Spawn power-up | -pu |
Level skip | -levelclear |
Man ends | -bonus |
Boss appears | -boss |
Wave of enemies | -behind |
Alternate background | -mb |
Display "Boss Incoming" message | -ss |
Display the sine of three angles: 180, 90, and pi | -sine |
View ending sequence | -end |
Hide "Quit" button | -noquit |