Starcraft 2 cheats/maps

  • Cheat Codes While playing the game, press [Enter] to display the console window. Then, type one of the following codes and press [Enter] to activate the corresponding cheat function. Note: Enabling cheat codes will prevent achievements from being earned until a new game is started or a saved game is loaded.
    Starcraft 2 cheats

    Result Cheat Code
    God modeterribleterribledamage
    5 million credits in single player campaignwhysoserious
    5,000 gasrealmendrilldeep
    5,000 mineralsstroaksmolts
    5,000 minerals and gassmoldersbolds
    +1 weapon, armor, and shield upgradeiamironman
    Extra research pointswapboinkers
    Fast buildbasestarsprimative or reversingnazaire
    Fast healfsbcomunicacion
    Units do not cost resourcesmoredotsmoredots
    Disable fog of warsawnoutofmemory
    Disable ability cooldownhanshotfirst
    Disable food and psi requirementmintmansoperator
    Disable tech requirementssosayweall
    Disable time of dayqrotero
    Disable defeat conditionsypoonsvoicemail or nevergiveupneversurrender
    Disable victory conditionstyuhasleftthegame
    Win current gamecmethodfeedback
    Lose current gamecadeasygoin
    Unknown resources grantedjaynestown
    Unknown resources granteddzmhairspring
    Mission graph dialog selectablelyingpect
    Cinematics menueyeofsauron
    UNN broadcast menufurabranchery
    Play the "Terran Up The Night" songoverengineeredcodpiece

    -Some codes from: Randy
    Starcraft 2 cheats

  • Cheat Codes (Lost Viking mini-game) While playing the Lost Viking mini-game, press [Enter] to display the console window. Then, type one of the following codes and press [Enter] to activate the corresponding cheat function:
    Starcraft 2 cheats

    Result Cheat Code
    Add indicated points to score -score [number]
    Extra life -addlife
    Ten extra lives -life
    Spawn power-up -pu
    Level skip -levelclear
    Man ends -bonus
    Boss appears -boss
    Wave of enemies -behind
    Alternate background -mb
    Display "Boss Incoming" message -ss
    Display the sine of three angles: 180, 90, and pi -sine
    View ending sequence -end
    Hide "Quit" button -noquit


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